Make Your Logs Work for You

The days of logging in to servers and manually viewing log files are over. SolarWinds® Papertrail™ aggregates logs from applications, devices, and platforms to a central location.

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Troubleshoot Fast and Enjoy It

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides cloud-based log management that seamlessly aggregates logs from applications, servers, network devices, services, platforms, and much more.

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Aggregate and Search Any Log

SolarWinds® Papertrail™ provides lightning-fast search, live tail, flexible system groups, team-wide access, and integration with popular communications platforms like PagerDuty and Slack to help you quickly track down customer problems, debug app requests, or troubleshoot slow database queries.

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Built for Collaboration Feature List

For Engineers, By Engineers

Smarter sorting in the Dashboard finder

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail’s Dashboard finder now shows more specific matches first. Type any saved search, system, or group name. The most specific matches will reliably be the first results. What changed? Land on the Dashboard, press s (or click in the text box near the top of the page), and type the name of a group, saved search, or system.…
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An obvious, understandable live “tail” icon

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail now has a more obvious live “tail” status icon that’s easier to understand. When the viewer is loaded, the live tail status looks like this:
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A more elegant time seek

Posted by telliott on

We’ve significantly improved Papertrail’s time and date seeking. Times and dates are more reliably recognized, times honor your Papertrail profile time zone, and more formats are supported.
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Search Papertrail logs right from your browser

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail now provides an easy way to start searching logs right from your browser, without changing your search engine. Here’s Chrome waiting for a log search query:
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At-a-glance sender log data transfer visibility

Posted by telliott on

We just made identifying high-volume senders easier. Now when you view information about a group, you’ll see a pie chart of currently-searchable log messages broken down by sender.
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Better log colors thanks to Solarized

Posted by telliott on

Fellow Seattleite Ethan Schoonover created a color scheme called Solarized, and as of today, Papertrail uses its palette when colorizing log messages. Solarized logs look like this:
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More colorful logging with ANSI color codes

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail’s event viewer now honors ANSI color codes in log messages. Here’s an example: The light blue and purple colors were chosen by the application which generated these logs (Ruby on Rails) and are embedded in the log messages. The messages contain ANSI color codes. These escape characters can set the foreground color, background color, and…
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Send Ruby AWS SDK logs to remote syslog and Papertrail

Posted by telliott on

In the AWS Ruby blog, Trevor Rowe covers Logging HTTP Wire Traces with the AWS SDK for Ruby (aws-sdk gem) and overriding the default Logger class. By default, aws-sdk logs to $stdout for Ruby apps or Rails.logger for Rails apps. Trevor’s example passes in an alternative Logger instance that is backed by $stderr: AWS.config(:logger =>…
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Change groups without leaving the event viewer

Posted by telliott on

Papertrail’s log viewer now supports switching groups. We’re always looking for small tweaks that make a big impact on our own, and hopefully, your workflow. Thanks to Ben Fyvie for suggesting this.
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Search Alert: StatHat graphs

Posted by telliott on

We’ve just added support to graph the number of log messages matching a search in StatHat. StatHat provides a simple way to graph important metrics and easily measure how it is performing compared to the past. It provides ways to receive alerts based on changes in data or absolute thresholds and automatically lets you know…
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